

myofascial decompression

$60.00 - $110.00

Myofascial decompression (MFD) is a technique that uses suction to create negative pressure on the skin and underlying tissue. This negative pressure helps stretch the fascia, release adhesions and restrictions, improve blood flow, and alleviate pain.

MFD is a therapy based out of traditional Chinese Medicine (cupping) that has been adapted to the field of Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy and Manual Therapy. It's an approach to manual therapy and exercise that combines negative pressure technology with evidence-based movement.

deep tissue massage

$110.00 - $165.00

It is especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, low back tightness, and sore shoulders. Some of the same strokes are used as classic massage therapy, but the movement is slower and the pressure is deeper and concentrated on areas of tension and pain.

sports massage

$60.00 - $165.00

It is more than a basic massage. Authentic sports massage will impact your training and overall performance. Most athletes love to get a massage. Not only does it feel great, but it can also help speed recovery, reduce muscles soreness and facilitate injury healing.

therapeutic medical massage

$60.00 - $165.00

Medical Massage is result oriented and  the treatment is specifically directed to resolve conditions that have been diagnosed and prescribed by a Physician.

recovery massage

$110.00 - $165.00

A recovery massage is exactly what the name implies: a massage strictly for the purposes of recovering and relax. This massage technique is not designed for therapeutic effects or for dealing with chronic pain or discomfort. The primary purpose will be to help you recover, relax and the massage therapist will probably move at a slower pace and use light pressure.